After the Ghostwriting: Selling Your Book

Piles of books on table in bookstore

Good ghostwriters lull their clients into a false sense of luxurious ease. A seasoned pro makes life easy for clients by accommodating schedule hiccups, maintaining a quick and efficient pace, and delivering best-in-class content. The job involves making everything look easy to the person paying for the writing.   But once the book is written, the … Read more

The Art of the Book Proposal

Stack of book proposals on a desk

The title of this post is misleading. Book proposals are both art and science. They are also essential for almost anyone who wants to secure the representation of a mainstream literary agent or sell a book concept to a traditional publisher. Drafting a proposal is a lot of work, but there are good reasons to go to … Read more

Ghostwriting and AI

Robot hand touching letter on laptop keyboard

The ghost isn’t in the machine. The machine wants to be the ghost. I think the first place people’s imagination ran when it became clear that AI was coming online in a big way, was communications. “AI can write my emails!” It wasn’t much of a leap to assuming AI could do everything a writer … Read more

The Ethics of Ghostwriting

Legitimate, professional ghostwriters operate under a code of conduct. The rules are not written down, but are widely understood and accepted in the industry. They are, for the most part, there to protect the client. These extend beyond the standard operating guidelines that govern most professions. Basics like don’t lie, don’t break the law in … Read more